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Scale Models / 1/25th scale / Re: Euclid R-15 dumper 1/25
on: August 07, 2012, 08:22:08 am
fantastic work, can you please contact me in regard to availibility and prices of this and the ford as id love build these,would fit in really well with my vintage collection cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / tamarak kenny twins
on: May 19, 2012, 04:54:14 am
well the 2 k100g prime movers are finished,pm 20 i did first shown earlier pm 02 was next with a few minor cosmetic differences, both on modified amt aerodyne chassis,series 60 detroits,8 bag rears and roadranger boxes,cabs are one off 1.7m g series daycabs that i made,scratchbuilt gantrys ect plus lots more, the 2 prime movers went to their new owner today but he placed an order for the trailers now as well here is a quick shot i took of the 2 kennys and scania(for the same customer) mocked up together, cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / S-LINE LOGGER
on: March 30, 2012, 03:18:06 am
actually started this quite a few yrs back,finally got it out and finished, its one of kerrys wide cab conversions on an s-line chassis,plenty of mods and scratched parts cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / DAF LOG TRUCK
on: March 25, 2012, 04:20:24 am
finished her up this arvo,have done up some custom EURAM TRUCKS(tasmanian daf dealer in the early days) for it but cant get my printer to print still so plain ones for now,poured with rain as i set up to take pics so only the one for now ill shoot some more outside tomorrow if its finekeeping in mind i started with this and rebuilt it and here she is cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / DODGE L1000 DAYCAB
on: March 25, 2012, 04:18:40 am
fresh off my bench,again with the exception of the new cab and bullbar from charlie the rest is built from spare parts cpl of tyres to put back on the rims....popped off as taking pics cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / keith inspired kw slimcab
on: March 02, 2012, 10:55:31 pm
well the keith inspired slimcab is done,nothing fancy or special,just an old school workhorse,keep in mind its built entirely from spares and scratchbuilding cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / WRIGHTS KENNY
on: January 11, 2012, 03:21:57 am
this was a comissioned model i built for wrights in ulverstone as a xmas pressie,i actually drove it back in 2001 for a few months so was a really enjoyable build.the timeline of the build is when it towed for sea-pak, first a pic of the real one and the model,the prime mover started as the amt k123,cut out the 3 rear windows,added door vents,modified lower skirts and cab front for slightly wider grille and dual 7" headlights,floor was cut into a jigsaw puzzle and new sections made for a rhd floor,list goes on,very few aftermarket items used as i try and make most myself,the trailer is completely scratchbuilt,the container is a chopped down 40 footer, cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / "problem child" ltl 9000
on: November 27, 2011, 06:50:06 am
well the "problem child" ltl is finally done,bonnets still got a wicked warp and the cowl too but as the old saying goes ya cant make strawberry jam from cowshit but she will display well,i near gavee up on it numerous times to be a parts truck but soldiered on,i rekon ill swap in another cab/bonnet down the track sometime cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / norton transport lb scania
on: July 17, 2011, 04:15:49 pm
built up like tasmanian company norton transport,heller kit,cut to daycab inc interior panels,converted to rh drive,dash,f/axle,floor,scratchbuilt gantry ect,stoneguard plus lots lots more,trailer is scratchbuilt,my cam went flat so ill add some more pics when its charged cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / CUSTOM PAYSTAR 10 YARDER
on: July 10, 2011, 08:45:03 pm
built this as a cab/chassis a cpl of yrs back,finally decided on a tipper so scratched up a steel body and added a few more new goodies as well cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / readmix midliner
on: July 05, 2011, 11:26:59 pm
well shes done,started off as one of the heller renault g260's plenty of mods ended up doing a lot more than id originally planned,here is rundown on mods,not a single aftermarket part used with the exception of the readymix name decals,i wanted to show that it can still be done even with todays large range of goodies availible tank removed and added extra styrene to chassis to do away with its basic snap look, dash,floor chopped to rh drive, reversed wipers, roof aircon sunvisor swapped in amt turntable(kit was very toy looking) full chassis deck plate vertical exhaust airhorns and markers,clearance lamps on mirrors, worklamp from spares box, hyd oil tank bulldog scratchbuilt items include bullbar stoneguard, tank step suzis hyd line plus more on with some pics cheers danny
Members Section / Members Photo Albums / Re: My jigga
on: June 09, 2011, 09:34:16 am
looks great with the signwriting,beleve it or not after a bit of a dig i found some pics of it in its original state carting spuds,ill scan them and post for ya cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / CUSTOM FLB
on: April 25, 2011, 02:03:03 am
i actually started this way back in nov of 2009,needing somethng to fill my time on the couch whilst resting i got it out, cab is from charlie,on a reissue freightliner,i swapped in an airbag rear end,added an n14 cummins,longer tanks,widened the gantry.scratchbuilt guards,rear bar plus more,bumper needs another polish now but was a bit of scrap stainless i found and cut to suit,i may add more goodies later,the stripes are painted not decals too, cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / old school boral ombo
on: March 26, 2011, 01:15:11 am
my old white needed a trailer so i rebuilt an old ertl tipper i got from werk for it,stripped it,lobbed off an axle,scratched legs,tyre carrier,guards plus more well as mentioned i built the tipper for the old white so here is some pics and cat have a tipper without a load,its styrofoam,glued together and shaped and then covered in railroad gravel and a night shot and just for something different,sat this float and dozer behind it which also came from werk,,a r600 mack and dolly usually tow it hope ya like it cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / hobbs flinstone mack
on: March 23, 2011, 12:40:55 pm
well here she is,this is what i built the skel for,this truck was operated by paul hobbs a family friend back when i was a kid,he ran this and some atkinsons carting into the local sawmill which the hobbs' also owned,ive wanted to build a model if it or some time,i did a bit of research and found out some interesting facts on it,thanks to kerry who had a couple of old pics which was all i had to work off to build it,here is a pic of the real one taken at the truckarama at latrobe, and the model,unfortunately is pouring down so inside shots only atm,wil snap some outdoor ones if it ever fines up and just for fun a black and white hopefully it stops raining long enough tomorrow for some outdoor pics cheers danny
Members Section / Members Photo Albums / Re: My jigga
on: March 21, 2011, 10:18:50 pm
bloody awesome mate,i love it,a real credit to you with the work you have put in to get her back on the road, looking foward to the paint pics! cheers danny
Members Section / Welcome / Re: Hello again
on: February 22, 2011, 03:02:15 am
welcome back richard, didnt ya know werk,richards been hiding on kilcoy island for a bit,lol sorry mate couldnt help myself, cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / 378 pete
on: February 03, 2011, 01:11:19 am
well shes done,bit of a recap on the build bought off as a part build which i stripped and deseamed and joints filled steering,floor and dash converted to rhd modified wheel hubs and chrome caps aussie resin models pete mudflaps with kangaroo p/etch weights on rears, chrome chequerplate,made up suzis alloy top pipes,scratchbuilt chrome bug deflector,plenty of chrome bmf and lots of sanding and polishing on the paint you will notice it has no pete badges on the bonnet,i want to get some of those flamed photoetch ones for it so who can guess the build time......................... cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / 3800 ATKINSON DAYCAB
on: January 24, 2011, 08:08:30 am
its finally done...........hope ya like it,its been on and off the bench for 14 months now,its based on one chris walder used to subcontract for hammond-palmer in the 1980's and a pic of 3 of my 3800's lined up and couldnt resist a dusk shot cheers danny
Scale Models / 1/25th scale / aussie ltl9000
on: January 12, 2011, 03:04:55 am
this one was bought as an incomlete built up off ebay,i stripped it down and rebuilt it,added aero box,rhd,flares,scratchbuilt guards,tanks,rear bar,suzis ect ect but here i how i got it and i rebuilt it to this cheers danny